this page is solely for archiving text i have removed from pages, but want to keep.

originally hosted on /kins. removed feb 29

"kin for fun," in a sense.
my experience with kin matters seems to be insane, for the best wording i can come up with.
i use the term "kin for fun" for myself because most of my "kins" are not a cir, not a "proper kin," but also not a synpath.
personally, i don't care, i've never been able to take these kinds of things too seriously, if you get mad at me for enjoying my life, that's on you man.
if this makes you upset/mad in any way, feel free to just not interact with me, this doesn't affect my life that badly. sorry for the chunk of text.
- ncshrines, 2024

never removed, just need to rant.

i hate having the need to code and just not being able to. im so shit at html and even if i do learn any myself im only gonna forget and then im gonna have to keep using these stupid templates and not being able to code what i want for myself. whatever. blazblue has me pissed.